AMD Ryzen 5 7640U appeared on Geekbench benchmark website | XFastest News

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Although AMD currently only discloses the Ryzen 7040 HS series of notebook specifications, the Ryzen 5 7640U recently appeared in the Geekbench database. This CPU conforms to the new naming rules that AMD recently introduced.

Based on AMD Zen 4 architecture, Ryzen 5 7640U adopts 4nm process, 6 cores and 12 lines, with 6MB L2 cache and 16MB L3 cache. According to Geekbench data, this CPU has a main frequency of 3.5GHz and a maximum Boost of 4.9GHz. It is equipped with Randeon RX760M internal display, adopts RDNA 3 architecture, has 8CU and 512 stream processors. The 7640U TDP is 15-28W, which looks roughly the same as the Ryzen 5 7640HS, but the power consumption is controlled and the frequency is slightly lower.

Geekbench’s database shows that this CPU seems to use AMD’s own test platform “Mayan-PHX”, with a single-core score of 1869 and a multi-core score of 8853, which is a big improvement compared to the previous generation Ryzen 5 6600U.


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