Anemia, unaware of the silent danger signal Risk of heart attack and pulmonary edema : PPTVHD36

by time news

Anemia or anemia that many people know is a condition in which the concentration of red blood is lower than normal It is not considered a disease, but a condition that can occur from many diseases. Because there are many factors in controlling the production of red blood cells into the circulatory system. but to anemia Even though it’s not a disease, it can cause serious health problems as well.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has established criteria for diagnosing anemia. From the amount of hemoglobin in the blood as follows:

  • Under 12 g/dL in women
  • men under 13 g/dL
  • pregnant women, less than 11 g/dL

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Normally in our body There will be hemoglobin in red blood cells that carries oxygen to different parts of the body. In patients with anemia, there are abnormal symptoms from various tissues. not getting enough oxygen

anemia symptoms

  • easily tired
  • tired
  • feeling tired when exercising
  • fainting, dizziness
  • sleepiness more than usual
  • rapid heartbeat, palpitations
  • chest pain
  • brittle nails
  • hair loss
  • dry skin
  • pale

However, if the hemoglobin level is less than 5 g/dL, it may provoke complications such as a heart attack (Heart failure) Because the heart will work harder to pump blood to the different parts of the body until finally the heart can’t work. can cause pulmonary edema However, most patients have mild symptoms. depending on the severity of anemia

In patients with acute anemia, such as a large amount of blood loss in a short period of time. will have more pronounced and severe symptoms than people with chronic anemia for a long time Because in the chronic birth group The body will adjust to the point that the patient does not know that he has anemia.

Causes and factors of anemiaCan be divided into 3 main groups:

1. Decreased red blood cell production

  • abnormal bone marrow disease
  • Malnutrition diseases that are essential for the formation of red blood cells are:
    • iron
    • Vitamin B12
    • folic acid
  • chronic kidney disease Lack of hormones that stimulate red blood cell production
  • Some chronic diseases such as cancer, immune system disease, etc.

2. Destruction of red blood cells more than normal

  • Thalassemia
  • G6PD enzyme deficiency
  • autoimmune hemolytic disease

3. Blood loss

  • gastrointestinal blood loss
  • menstrual blood loss
  • an accident

Many patients are diagnosed with anemia through annual health checkups. without showing any symptoms before Confirmation or conclusion of the diagnosis requires a complete blood count (CBC), with no fasting required before the blood draw.

However, if the patient already has anemia cause detection Patients need to see a doctor. to take a history and a detailed physical examination Plus, there may be additional blood tests. or in some cases if the doctor suspects a disease in the bone marrow A bone marrow aspiration and biopsy will be performed.

Information from : Phyathai Hospital

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