Anses stopped giving shifts for loans of $400,000 to retirees and pensioners

by time news

2023-07-20 13:59:35

July 20, 2023 – 08:43 48 hours ago the agency surprisingly suspended the delivery of online shifts.

The loans to retirees and pensioners launched by the Minister of the Economy, Sergio Massa, and the head of Anses, Fernanda Raverta, were stopped, because the organization is dragging an unannounced suspension of shifts on its website that has been going on for 48 hours.
Without any explanation, since the extension of the credit line to 400,000 pesos was implemented in up to 48 installments, at a nominal annual rate of 29 percent, the direct procedure through the website that was in force was deactivated, so now you can only access the benefit in person prior to the shift, which is also on hold.
In the face of repeated attempts at different times, a red legend appears on the screen when the data is loaded, which says: “Important notice: At this time we cannot assign you a shift. Please enter again in 24 hours.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.”
In the midst of the profuse dissemination of the financial subsidy with which the Government seeks to alleviate the deterioration in the income of the passive class due to the effect of inflation, Anses reported nothing about the interruption of the procedures that are made from a computer, both credits and shifts.
As Raverta herself instructed, you must enter through my Anses, Virtual Service or from your cell phone with the “mi Anses” app. You only need to enter with CUIL and Social Security Code.
However, in practice, for at least two days, it is not possible to move towards the shifts.
This impasse coincides with complaints of “financial roll” or “calesita fixed term” made by the opposition after the launch of these credits.
It consists of withdrawing the money, depositing the money received for a fixed term and paying the comfortable installments with the rate differential.
Of the 29 percent per year established by Anses for the money granted, 97 percent could be obtained with the placements, which a year of reinvestment of capital and interest would report a 154 percent profit.

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