Antimicrobial Resistance, what is the role of doctors and patients?

by time news

2023-12-02 20:47:45

Over the last few years the Antimicrobial Resistance It has been positioned as one of the most relevant public health issues. It all stems from the loss of effectiveness that drugs have suffered due to their abuse and unnecessary use. Its consequences can already be observed but the future outlook could be catastrophic.

Los antimicrobials They are medications used to treat all types of infections, from pneumonia to ear infections. When they are used under the supervision of a health professional and there is correct adherence to the treatment, the results are usually favorable. The problem occurs with phenomena such as self-medication and misuse.

Deaths related to Antimicrobial Resistance

The Antimicrobial Resistance It is a public health problem that threatens not only human medicine but also health and the environment. In fact, in 2019 alone it was estimated that approximately five million deaths were associated with this problem.

In response to this growing threat, the World Health Organization (WHO) has advocated the concept of “One Health” as a comprehensive and collaborative approach to addressing the problem.

“The World Health Organization has declared that antimicrobial resistance represents one of the greatest threats to global health and endangers the medical advances made in recent decades,” says Dr. José Luis Vallejo, Medical Manager of Antibiotics and MSD antifungals in Mexico.

This approach, known as “One Health”, arises from the idea that there is a vital relationship between the health of human beings, other animals and the environment. Therefore, medical and veterinary professionals, as well as those in other scientific, health and environmental disciplines, should communicate and collaborate, rather than working in isolation.

How can different actors contribute?

Patients: Following the instructions of health professionals, not self-medicating and not taking or sharing leftover antimicrobials are some of the keys to stopping this problem. Also prevent infections that require antibiotics through good practices such as washing hands, preparing food hygienically, and staying up to date with vaccinations.
Healthcare professionals: Be a source of guidance on the correct management of antimicrobials. Health professionals and health systems must preserve the effectiveness of antimicrobials by providing appropriate treatments based on an accurate diagnosis.
Health industry leaders: Invest in the development of new drugs and vaccines to combat infectious diseases. Also participate in surveillance initiatives, collaborate with hospitals to implement programs for the rational use of antimicrobials and advocate for substantial changes in public health policies.
Veterinarians and producers: Promote appropriate and prescribed use of antimicrobials in animal production. It is important to avoid the use of this type of drugs in production through good hygiene, biosafety and vaccination practices, in addition to a correct diagnosis of infectious diseases in animals.

In order to effectively reduce the Antimicrobial Resistance It is important that all sectors act in a coordinated manner to use medications in a prudent and appropriate manner, adopt preventive measures to reduce the incidence of infections and follow good practices in the disposal of contaminated antimicrobial waste.

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