Apple Vision Pro: The Future of Augmented Reality

by time news

2024-02-02 17:33:42

The madness of Apple’s augmented reality glasses has started: in just 10 days, Apple sold 200 thousand units in the pre-orders on the website. This morning the sale officially opened in Apple stores, and in front of the doors there are huge queues, despite the cold of the peak of winter in the USA, queues similar to the company’s previous groundbreaking launches.

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Earlier, the company’s CEO Tim Cook was seen arriving at Apple’s flagship store in New York, with a huge neon symbol of the augmented reality glasses adorning the apple logo. When asked by journalists about the heavy price tag of the new glasses, which reach $3,500 for the cheapest model, He said that in the company’s opinion the price corresponds to the value and capabilities of the device.

This was probably Apple’s most expensive development: the Vision Pro glasses, which combine augmented reality in which the user is embedded in his environment and virtual reality, required the company years of research and construction of special components. But the result looked nothing less than amazing in the last launch. The augmented reality glasses are like a spatial computer that combines the digital world with the real world. The glasses recognize gestures of movement, eye tracking, speech recognition and endless interactions in the digital world immersed in the layered world.

The madness has begun (Photo: Apple)

The device runs on a new interface called visionOS, a kind of iOS version updated for the 3D world of pro glasses. The front of the glasses has 3D glass, an aluminum frame and an adjustable headband. The frame includes five sensors, six microphones and 12 cameras. The user looks at 1.41-inch (3.6 cm) micro-OLED displays.

These two monitors can turn any space into a personal cinema hall with a huge screen that simulates a width of 30 meters in 4K quality alongside an advanced spatial audio system. Apple has also integrated its Movies and Series app, and will likely integrate other apps such as Netflix, Disney Plus and other streaming services.

The glasses make it possible to use applications that are freed from the limits of the display so that the user can change them to any scale in the room around him, move them, or make them react to the lighting. Users can access their iCloud Photo Library and view full-size photos and videos. According to Apple, panoramic photos on the iPhone expand and wrap the users so that they create the feeling that they are standing exactly where the photo was taken.

Long hours in line (Photo: Apple)

Facetime is also becoming spatial: video chats use the room around the user, so they create the feeling that the person they are talking to is close to them. The glasses also include thousands of apps, both those known from the iPhone and unique ones developed for the augmented reality glasses.

But glasses have quite a few disadvantages. The main one is the expensive price: the cheap model with a storage space of 256 gigabytes will cost 3,499 dollars, while the expensive model with 1 terabyte storage will reach 4,000 dollars. This is not the end of this not cheap deal: the cost of the Apple Care repair service will make you part with an additional 500 dollars from your wallet. The various add-ons such as a case or a protective cover will cost you several tens of dollars more. For glasses wearers it will cost even more: Apple has announced that it will launch unique optical lenses from the German optics giant Zeiss that magnetically attach to the device. The price of the lenses for distance and myopia will vary between 99 and 199 dollars depending on the number of the lens.

The second problem that Apple failed to solve is the weight: testers have already reported that the glasses are too heavy. Their weight reaches about 600 to 650 grams, which led to complaints of neck pain, such that it was not possible to carry them for more than a few consecutive minutes. Added to this weight is the battery that connects with the USBC cable to the glasses, and weighs 353 grams. All this weight together reaches more than 900 grams which the user has to carry on his body. Analysts believe that the disturbing weight issue will be one of the first that Apple will have to solve before developing the 2nd generation of the glasses.

new Age? (Photo: Apple)

Apple’s augmented reality glasses will compete against Meta’s Quest 3 glasses that were launched a year ago. The capabilities of Apple’s glasses far exceed those of Meta, which has led to many improvements since the first version of the “Oculus Quest”, but the price of the Quest reaches only 500 dollars, a much more reasonable price for most consumers. Samsung is also expected to launch its own virtual reality glasses developed together with Google and Qualcomm. And despite the shortcomings of the first version of Apple glasses, analysts predict that the expensive price and even the weight will not deter those who are crazy about the company’s products. They probably won’t hesitate to continue parting with thousands of dollars even for the new product, which we won’t see here soon anyway.

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