Apple Watch car accident detection useful network praise

by time news

▲ Netizens wore Apple watch S8 for only 2 days. They encountered a car accident, and the watch also triggered “car accident SOS”. (Picture / flip shot we are all Apple people! iPhone/Mac discussion area)

Apple Inc. of the United States launched the “car accident detection” function at a press conference at the beginning of the month. With a new motion sensor and algorithm, when a serious car accident is detected, it will ask users to report, if If no response is received within 10 seconds, an emergency call will be made automatically. Some netizens had a car accident not long after they bought the Apple Watch S8, which really triggered the “car accident SOS” and dialed 119 directly. It was shared on the Facebook community a few days ago, causing many netizens to discuss, “Sharing with my life, I feel that this time a loser is reasonable!” ” I seriously want to buy an apple watch!”

YouTuber Joeman used the iPhone 14 on the rack to deliberately create a “fake car accident” on his channel a few days ago, but after several tests, the “car accident detection” function of the iPhone 14 was not triggered.However, some netizens recently We are all Apple people! iPhone/Mac discussion boardThe post stated that after wearing an Apple Watch S8 and encountering a serious car accident, the “car accident SOS” was triggered, and the watch automatically dialed the 119 emergency call. According to netizens’ descriptions, after the impact, because they could no longer move, the watch first jumped out “Have you encountered a car accident?” After a period of no response, it automatically entered the alarm state, and 119 called back, but because netizens almost lost consciousness and could not respond, so Pedestrians answer.

He also said that this is the second time Apple Watch has assisted him. The last time the S4 was in the same situation. At the same time, netizens couldn’t help but feel distressed that the Apple watch S8 that had only been worn for 2 days was scrapped, and his iPhone 14 Pro max was under the condition of a protective case. , In addition to the damage to the casing, the phone body is not too seriously damaged.

As soon as this article came out, it really aroused heated discussions among netizens, “Joeman doesn’t need to be tested, there are examples here.”, “Share with life, I feel that this prodigal is reasonable!” Netizens who don’t like wearing watches said after reading: “I’m serious. I want to buy an apple watch!”, “good reason to add to cart”. I also caught many netizens who accidentally triggered “fall detection” before. Netizens responded, “It can really save people. I fell from a ladder, and I was really moved by the detection.” The foot of Xiongfeng on the cliff slid down, but fortunately, the hand was fastened. At this time, the watch suddenly said: “It seems that you have fallen hard…”, “The guardian of the little angel”, and finally wish the injured netizens a speedy recovery!

Currently, there is support for the “car accident detection” function, including: 4 mobile phones in the iPhone 14 series, Apple Watch 8, Apple Watch SE 2, and Apple Watch Ultra are all the latest models.

▲ From the photos shared by netizens, it can be seen that there are injuries on both hands and watches.  (Picture / flip we are all Apple people! iPhone/Mac discussion area)

▲ From the photos shared by netizens, it can be seen that there are injuries on both hands and watches. (Picture / flip we are all Apple people! iPhone/Mac discussion area)

▲After the car accident detection is activated, a message will be automatically sent to the original emergency contact.  (Picture / flip we are all Apple people! iPhone/Mac discussion area)

▲After the car accident detection is activated, a message will be automatically sent to the original emergency contact. (Picture / flip we are all Apple people! iPhone/Mac discussion area)

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