Apple’s “State of Mind”: A Revolutionary Feature for Mental Health and Emotional Well-being

by time news

2023-09-24 08:40:00
New Apple Health Feature Helps Monitor and Manage Mental Health

Apple has introduced a new feature called “State Of Mind” in its Health application, designed to take care of users’ mental health and process their emotional state. The highlight of this feature is its ability to filter and monitor depression and anxiety 24 hours a day. State Of Mind provides users with insights and basic counseling for mental health problems.

The Health application is well-known among users of Apple products such as the iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. It allows users to organize their personal health information, including health records, medication intake, physical movement, sleep, and now mental health.

One of the highlights of the Health application is its ability to learn the system on the device being used and display important information for users to track their health activities. It can track the number of steps taken each day and vital signs. If any abnormal vital signs are detected, the application can notify selected individuals to sync the information immediately.

In addition to taking care of the body and tracking exercise, Apple has developed the “State of Mind” feature to process users’ emotions and feelings. It includes screening for depression (PHQ-9) and anxiety (GAD-7) round the clock.

The main purpose of the “State of Mind” feature is to give users a complete overview of their daily physical and mental health. It provides in-depth information to help users recognize and manage their emotions. Users can access various health articles and crisis response information as well.

When users are notified of their real-time emotional state, they can consult a psychiatrist or psychologist, or receive health advice through their device. The feature continuously monitors changes in emotional state until it returns to normal mode.

The State of Mind feature combines technology with mental health, setting an important precedent for other electronic devices in the market. It aims to address the increasing prevalence of mental health issues in society.

The working process of the State of Mind feature is based on two main topics identified by psychologists. Firstly, it focuses on continuously accessing and monitoring mental health. It offers comprehensive screening for depression and anxiety and presents the results in an easy-to-understand format. The feature also records users’ stories and events to help guide the management of future anxiety or depression.

Secondly, the State of Mind feature aims to increase user awareness and growth. Users regularly record their emotional states and triggers, allowing the application to understand patterns and responses. This analysis helps users avoid situations that have negative effects on their minds and rely on positive experiences.

While the State of Mind feature is useful and easy to use, it is not a substitute for professional counseling. It is recommended to seek advice from a mental health professional for accurate interpretation and analysis of mental health results.

Apple’s State of Mind feature is a significant step in integrating technology and mental health. It provides users with valuable insights and tools to monitor and manage their emotional well-being.]
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