Araik Harutyunyan’s attitude and passivity towards the ongoing demonstrations for the benefit of Artsakh is worrying. NSS reserve officers

by time news

2023-07-18 10:54:24

Without the support of foreign forces, particularly Azerbaijan and Turkey, without provoking armed conflicts, without terrorizing the country’s population with war, the government cannot survive long with repressions and will eventually give way, because the struggle is for national values ​​and the homeland. The NSS Reserve Officers’ Union issued a statement about this.

Observations made during our participation in rallies and marches allow us to conclude that if the work is properly organized and certain successes are recorded, the number of participants has an obvious tendency to increase. Among the protestors there are people of different ages, professions, mostly conscious, highly educated people who came out to the streets, not taking into account their personalities, party affiliation, purely due to their deep concern for Artsakh and Armenia.

It is obvious that both the participants and the organizers are firm in their actions, patient, balanced, they conduct the actions exclusively in peaceful conditions, there is no danger of aggression and mass disturbances. At the same time, there is a willingness to go to the end, self-sacrifice. Therefore, if the authorities continue to disregard, not listen to people, ignore their opinions, valid and correct concerns, try to abort the movement in various ways known to us, the peaceful street actions may also stop in the near future. However, this does not mean that the public will be pacified, people will put up with and tolerate the authorities’ anti-Armenian, anti-national policy.

Instead, underground activities will begin, violence will develop, individuals and forces will appear who will try to prevent the handing over of the lands of Artsakh and Armenia by using even harsh measures, even weapons. As a result, a serious confrontation will begin inside the country, which is an unacceptable and nation-destructive way, because it will weaken the country from the inside and will be beneficial exclusively to our enemies.

Without the support of foreign forces, particularly Azerbaijan and Turkey, without provoking armed conflicts, without terrorizing the country’s population with war, the government cannot survive long with repressions and will eventually give way, because the fight is for national values ​​and homeland.

In this situation, the attitude and passivity of the Artsakh authorities, especially the president Arayik Harutyunyan, towards the internal political events of Armenia and particularly the demonstrations unfolding in the interest of Artsakh is very worrying. It can be stated that in the struggle for Artsakh, a second front has been opened in Armenia today, and without becoming a participant or supporter, the president of Artsakh and other passive officials turn into deserters and henchmen clinging to their positions.

Do Araik Harutyunyan and others realize what will happen to Artsakh tomorrow if this movement stops, or do they imagine that this is only an internal Armenian problem? If that’s what they think, that’s what they want, then they are at least dishonest towards Armenians and the Diaspora. Here and there they express their opinion that they do not want to interfere in the internal affairs of Armenia, then why did they tolerate and call thousands of our boys to battle? after all, by going to Artsakh, they were, in fact, interfering in their internal affairs.

It is clear that these officials solve the problem of preserving their enormous wealth with silence and passivity, but at least they should have the courage to speak out publicly, to say that they are not against living in Azerbaijan, otherwise it turns out that the Armenians and the Diaspora are engaged in self-deception and instead of them and they went to fight against their will.

Arayik Harutyunyan is obliged to be among the leaders of the demonstrations in front of thousands of our victims and fighting boys, because they are primarily unfolding for the survival of Artsakh, therefore personally also for him, otherwise he should openly declare that he is against the movement and is in favor of Nikol Pashinyan’s pro-Turkish policy ( at least the latter expressed his position clearly and honestly), the price of which is mostly Artsakh.

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#Araik #Harutyunyans #attitude #passivity #ongoing #demonstrations #benefit #Artsakh #worrying #NSS #reserve #officers

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