“Armenia” faction will fully support Artsakh authorities

by time news

2023-09-09 13:46:15

The “Armenia” faction of the RA NA congratulated the newly elected President of the Artsakh Republic, Samvel Shahramanian.

“Congratulations on the election of the President of the Republic of Artsakh at this crucial stage for the Republic of Artsakh.
Today, it is unspeakably responsible, difficult and also binding to assume the position of the President of Artsakh under the conditions of self-determination, establishment of statehood and the imperative to confront the external enemy and solve the internal challenges with honor.

We wish you determination, will, wisdom, common sense in carrying out this difficult mission.
We are confident that with social and political consolidation, joint work with all branches of government, will and determination, you will ensure the full life of the Republic of Artsakh in the difficult work for its rights.

We assure you that our faction will continue to stand by the Artsakh Republic and the Artsakh Armenians with the full extent of its assumed responsibility, will fully support the Artsakh authorities and you in the struggle to overcome this difficult phase and return the Artsakh world to a peaceful and prosperous life,” says the congratulatory message.

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#Armenia #faction #fully #support #Artsakh #authorities

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