As a result of the Ukrainian attack in the Taganrog Museum, 22 works were damaged

by time news

2023-08-04 12:25:05


Specialists from St. Petersburg will help in their restoration

The issue of restoration of museum items of the Taganrog Art Museum, which suffered on July 28 as a result of the Ukrainian attack, was discussed at a meeting attended by the Minister of Culture of the Rostov Region Anna Dmitrieva, the General Director of the Russian Museum Alla Manilova, the Director of the Taganrog Art Museum Tamara Pugach and the restorers of the State Russian Museum. Dmitrieva said that 22 works of art were damaged by the explosion, while nine received significant damage.

It seems that Alla Manilova decided to block the recent unpleasant scandal with censorship of the Novikov Wedge exhibition with a new news agenda, where she appears in a positive way. The new director of the Russian Museum, formerly Deputy Minister of Culture, put together a video link about the consequences of the attack, which injured 22 people (10 of them were hospitalized) and the Taganrog Art Museum.

The rocket damaged several buildings, but one of the buildings of the art museum was damaged more than others. The blow destroyed the wall and roof of the building, where at that moment 120 works of art were exhibited, including works by Serov, Korovin, Benois, Malyavin, and others. Nine exhibits are in a “poor condition”. Of these, four are paintings, four more are graphics and one sculpture. There are breakouts on some canvases. The sculpture split in two. These nine items, which are part of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation and are federal property, require serious restoration. Their “treatment” will be handled by specialists from St. Petersburg.

– We could not but respond for many reasons. Taganrog for Petersburgers is a special city, close to us, created by Peter. I am well acquainted with the leadership of the Rostov region, I have no doubt that the region will do everything possible to restore the museum. But this work will require large resources, and there will certainly be room for our help,” Alla Manilova said. – To begin with, we send to you restoration specialists with portable equipment. And in September we are waiting for colleagues from Taganrog to attend a meeting of the Association of Art Museums of Russia, where we will discuss in detail what we can do together to restore the full life of the museum.


In addition, during the strike, all the equipment in the affected building was destroyed: display cases, plasma panels, control devices and maintaining the desired temperature and humidity conditions. New equipment will be purchased at federal expense: for this, a separate item will be included in the budget for 2024 (as part of the Culture national project).

One more detail: the damaged building formerly belonged to the Central Bank of Russia and was located at the Taganrog Art Museum on a long-term free lease. Now it will be transferred to the ownership of the museum. This will be the basis for the allocation of budgetary funds for repair and restoration work. Documents are already being prepared. “The museum will get a second life,” the first deputy governor of the Rostov region, Igor Guskov, said the other day. So there is no bad without good.

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