Assange… Anniversary Day | FranceEvening

by time news

2023-07-04 00:02:00

At a time when the media are singled out for their shortcomings, their omissions or their digressions, it is one day among others that is more important for the freedom to write, to say or to inform. The birthday of a man, a journalist, who pays a high price for having informed us, for having done his job at the cost of his freedom. He fed us with his work and was picked up by so many media around the world that he became indispensable… Before being dirtied, dragged through the mud, imprisoned and then forgotten.

Today, so that he does not sink into the past, while he is rotting in an English prison, we met at the National Assembly, on the initiative of the “Assange Support Committee” and the “Free Assange Wave” to listen to a motion for a resolution calling on the government to grant political asylum to Julien Assange, as well as to facilitate access to refugee status for foreign whistleblowers.

And France-Soir was alone, the only representative of this press with such a small “p” that it has once again forgotten itself.

#Assange #Anniversary #Day #FranceEvening

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