Asthma Treatment, These 5 holi celebration mistakes can increase the risk of attack in asthma patients – these 5 holi celebration mistakes can trigger asthma attack in patients – 2024-03-27 07:44:52

by times news cr

2024-03-27 07:44:52
Holi, the festival of colors, brings with it happiness and celebration. During this time everyone is colored in its colors. But it can also bring health risks for people suffering from asthma, as dust and smoke can be very harmful for asthma. Both these things happen during Holi, which cannot be stopped.

Therefore, it is very important for people suffering from asthma to take precautions during Holi. Do not go to very crowded places and keep many small things in mind like wearing a mask while playing colors. To enjoy a healthy Holi, asthma patients should not make 5 such mistakes.

Avoid the mistake of not wearing a mask
One of the most important mistakes made by asthma patients during Holi is not wearing a mask. Asthma patients must wear a mask while playing colors or going among people on that day. Not wearing a mask can increase the risk of triggering asthma. Be sure to wear a mask to cover your nose and mouth. Will prevent smoke and harmful particles present in the air from entering you.

Do not make the mistake of taking too much physical stress
Too much physical stress is also not good for the health of asthma patients. Playing with colors often involves physical exertion. Due to which fatigue also occurs and any sick person also recovers. For protection, asthma patients should play Holi after taking rest for some time. Excessive physical stress of any kind should be avoided.

Avoid using synthetic colors
According to Dr. Kutti Sharda Vinod, Pulmonologist, Karuna Hospital, Delhi.The chemicals present in synthetic colors can irritate the nasal passages and trigger asthma symptoms. To play with colors, choose natural colors.

Avoid alcohol consumption
Asthma patients should avoid alcohol consumption on festive or any occasion. Especially red wine, white wine and beer, which can aggravate asthma symptoms. Avoiding alcohol during Holi can help prevent asthma triggers. Instead, you can drink home-made fruit juice or thandai made from dry fruits.

Do not stay in the sun for too long
Being exposed to sunlight and heat for too long can also be challenging for asthma patients. Staying in the sun for about an hour is good for their health. But along with air pollution, staying in strong sunlight and heat for a long time can make them even more ill. Therefore, try to spend less time in the sun.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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