Attitude towards street children needs to change: Social Welfare Minister – 2024-03-19 04:09:46

by times news cr

2024-03-19 04:09:46

Minister of Social Welfare Dr. Dipu Moni said that the government is working to ensure the normal life of street children. Attitude towards street children should be changed.

He said these things while addressing the chief guest at the opening ceremony of the research paper on the situation of street children under the Child Sensitive Social Protection in Bangladesh Project at Shilpakala Academy Auditorium in the capital on Monday (March 18) afternoon.

Director General of the Department of Social Services. Under the chairmanship of Abu Saleh Mostafa Kamal, State Minister for Women and Child Affairs Simin Hossain (RIMI) spoke as a special guest.

Dipu Moni said that there is a security risk for those who stay on the road. Their helplessness is very high, they may face problems, they are subjected to many kinds of torture. In the darkness of the night it is in a very unsafe condition. And those who return to the family at night, they also have various problems. There are many reasons for street children. Children are on the streets due to family breakdown, extreme poverty and many other problems. Still they face various problems.

Throwing light on having a positive attitude and empathy towards street children, he said that how street people treat them affects them. Each of us should show sympathy towards them. How many of us take a good look at these children? We may not be able to change their lives but the few seconds we interact with them, if we have compassion for them in those few seconds, our behavior towards them, our words can make a difference in their life.

The minister said, the way we behave usually creates an inferior attitude among them. He thinks he is committing some crime, thinks he is something very bad or insignificant. If we can get these kids to dream, they will go a long way in moving themselves towards that dream. If the attitude towards them is not so positive, then they will not be able to dream.

Dipu Moni urged the government as well as individual initiatives to work to bring street children into the mainstream of society.

The minister said in his assessment about the research paper exposed on street children, that although the government is very alert in this matter and already a lot of work is going on in the shelter, education, treatment, training and rehabilitation of street children through the Ministry of Social Welfare and Women and Children. However, this study provided a clearer understanding of their actual situation, which will be helpful in future policy work.

He thanked everyone involved in the research.

In the speech of the special guest, State Minister for Women and Children Simin Hesen (Rimi) said, this research will help to work for street children in the future. To make a tolerant society for children. The state minister said that his ministry is running 6 centers for rehabilitation, physical and mental development for underprivileged children.

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