Austria ǀ The rocket crashed – Friday

by time news

Such a “talent of the century” is already history. The ÖVP is actually back where it was before “the flare” – said Styrian Governor Hermann Schützenhöfer about Sebastian Kurz – advanced to unimagined heights. That magical moment is over. The rocket crashed, the People’s Party is just over 20 percent, and the trend is falling. Now she has to fear new elections. She does that too. For the foreseeable future, she will have to rely on the reluctance of the green coalition, who is already enjoying this unusual circumstance to the full. The ÖVP is not only battered, it is badly beaten.

The surplus voices conjured up by Kurz were purely economic in nature. Now they are gone – and immediately no longer catchable. Easy come easy go. Since the ÖVP was able to win almost all elections in recent years, it is currently over-represented in the public bodies. The majority of the Kurz people who have been flushed into the offices would immediately lose their mandates and posts. The short years did not open a new political era, but just turned out to be an episode.

But it wasn’t the model that failed, it was the model. The type is anything but in the end, in the end there is only the type who has almost taken over. The ex-Chancellor will probably be busy with various processes over the next few years. But let’s not forget: Kurz was not overthrown politically, but legally dumped. And let’s be sure: Without the Handy-Gate, the Kurz system would have run for a few more years. As rapid as the ascent was brilliant, the descent was miserable. It’s like a bad movie. And the unity in the ÖVP is once again perdu. How the battle of the black governors against the turquoise federal party apparatus will end is open, but with advantages for the former. Turquoise should turn back to black. The Kurz party has been robbed of its leader and badly damaged. Ex-Interior Minister Karl Nehammer, who was previously noticed as an agitator, has now taken over the party and chancellorship. He will have a hard time. Crises multiply and become chronic. Chancellors come and go through the revolving door.


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