Azerbaijan, as the host country of COP29, has an excellent chance to build on the success of COP28 – 2024-03-03 22:50:55

by times news cr

2024-03-03 22:50:55

Azerbaijan, as the host country of COP29, has a fantastic opportunity to build on the momentum achieved at COP28.

As Day.Az reports with reference to Trend, this was stated by US Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mark Libby during the 10th ministerial meeting of the Advisory Council on the Southern Gas Corridor and the 2nd ministerial meeting of the Advisory Council on Green Energy, held today in Baku

“The Southern Gas Corridor is a clear demonstration that diversifying energy routes and ensuring energy security are fundamental to national security. Looking into the future, energy diversification and ensuring energy security will increasingly include the use of different energy sources. Azerbaijan as a country “hosting COP29 has a fantastic opportunity to build on the momentum gained from COP28, particularly in partnership with oil and gas companies who are vital to addressing issues such as reducing methane emissions,” he said.

It should be noted that the decision to host COP29 in Azerbaijan was officially announced in Dubai on December 11, 2023.

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