Because of the “little judge” saying: Medical Association angry with world doctors boss Montgomery – domestic politics

by time news

Because of his “little judge” verdict, world doctors boss Frank Ulrich Montgomery (69) takes another slap!

The German Medical Association has distanced itself from Montgomery in a message. Every sentence in it reads like a slap in the face: The world doctor boss is not “legitimized to comment on individual regulations of the state parliaments, the Bundestag or the federal government or to question the rule of law in Germany.”

The Medical Association is also “expressly against the degradation of the work of independent judges in Germany.” Montgomery also has no right to speak for Germany’s doctors in the Corona debate.

The head of world doctors defended himself on Deutschlandfunk on Thursday: “My criticism was of course exaggerated, but because of it it is received. As with ‘Tyranny of the Unvaccinated’. “One could now speak more freely about a differentiation between vaccinated and unvaccinated, he told the broadcaster.

This is what it’s about:

Montgomery upset about tipped 2G rule in Lower Saxony

The Lower Saxony Higher Administrative Court (OVG) in Lüneburg overturned the 2G rule in the state’s retail trade in mid-December. The court decided that the measure was not necessary to further contain the coronavirus and was not compatible with the general principle of equality.

Montgomery had it on Sunday in the “WELT” criticized: “I bump into the fact that little judges stand up and, as is the case in Lower Saxony, 2G in retail outlets because they don’t think it’s proportionate.”

A court presumed to reject something that scientific and political bodies had laboriously wrested, with reference to proportionality, continued Montgomery. “I have big problems there. There are situations in which it is right to rank the rights of freedom after the right to physical health – not just for yourself, but for everyone. And we have such a situation. “

For the German Medical Association, the lawyers from the OVG Lüneburg are not “little judges” but “highly qualified judges”. Her work is not “presumptuous”, but “a foundation of the separation of powers in Germany that is worth protecting”. Boom!

Alleys and Bushmen strengthen judges’ backs

Prior to that, the head of statutory health insurance physicians, Andreas Gassen von Montgomery, had already met distant: “Even if the individual may not like every decision, we in Germany can be proud of an independent judiciary.”

Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (44, FDP) also supported the judges. “Germany can be proud of its highly qualified and independent judiciary. It opens access to the law and brings the idea of ​​the rule of law to life. Therefore, it deserves respect – regardless of whether the viewer makes every decision, ”wrote Buschmann on Twitter.


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