before the mobilization of June 6, the intersyndicale forms a common front

by time news

2023-05-31 11:23:00

They say they don’t want to turn the page but still plan on what’s next. Tuesday, May 30, thirteen organizations of employees and the defense of youth reaffirmed, in a joint press release, their hostility to the pension reform, which will give rise to a fourteenth national day of action against the text. Scheduled for June 6, this new demonstration of force is part of a different perspective from the previous ones: it goes beyond the usual demand – the abandonment of the decline from 62 years to 64 years of the legal age of retirement retirement – ​​and seeks to ” earn (…) social progress”which the inter-union tried to define, not without difficulty.

The demonstrations and the strikes to come will take place forty-eight hours before a much-awaited parliamentary event: the examination in the National Assembly of the bill proposed by the Freedoms, Independents, Overseas and Territories (LIOT) group, whose object is to repeal the deferment of the age of entitlement to a pension. An initiative that the deputies of the majority would like to block, because it would be, according to them, contrary to the Constitution. Behind this official argument, there is above all the fear of being outvoted by LIOT elected officials, who can count on the support of their colleagues from the far right, left and certain members of the group Les Républicains (LR).

At a press conference held Tuesday at the headquarters of the CFDT in Paris, the intersyndicale once again showed its unanimous support for LIOT’s approach. “This bill must (…) can be debated and there is a vote”said Marylise Léon, number two of the CFDT. “How could we prevent the participation of the national representation on such an important subject, which steals two years of life from the workers of this country? »launched Thomas Vacheron, confederal secretary of the CGT.

“Urgently correct” the 2017 ordinances

The thirteen coalition members consider that the adoption of this text would “a way out of the crisis” et “to finally move forward on concerns” employees. The joint press release, released on Tuesday, formulates a series of demands on extremely diverse topics, which is a first since the start of the movement against retirement at 64. Most often these grievances are expressed in very general terms: increases in wages, social benefits and scholarships, the creation of “real reconversion schemes” for seniors, revision ” in depth “ of the index on the gender pay gap, implementation of the provisions of an international convention against violence and harassment at work, revaluation of “feminized professions” with the idea that “equal pay” between the two sexes “must be a concrete reality without delay”, etc.

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