Beitar Ilit: kiddush for a white person and the status of the mass “crowd”.

by time news

The Chabad community in Beitar, which currently includes 13 Chabad synagogues, organized last Saturday evening a huge “HaKhal” stand together with a “White Kiddush”, as instructed by the Rebbe the King of Mashiach to hold it in the majority with the exclusion of a king.

Many hundreds of people, women and children, were present at the event, organized by Rabbi David Segal and Rabbi Boaz Bek, Rabbi Shmarihu Butman from the management of the Beitar branch of the Tsavat Hashem Youth Movement and with the assistance of the Chabad representative in the municipality, Rabbi Moshe Kahana, Rabbi Tomer Gordo and Rabbi Shmuel Sharp.

The class, which was tastefully moderated by Rabbi Butman, opened Rabbi Shaul Rosenblatt by reading “Kiddush Livna” word for word along with the huge crowd. After that, the soldiers of Hashem’s armies were invited to pronounce the 12 verses and the holy proclamation ‘Long live our Lord’.

The dances were accompanied by the orchestra of the Hasidic keyboardist Yitzhak Liubashevsky.

After the dancing, the children enjoyed a unique show by Shlomiko the magician.

The organizers thank the dear donors from the Beitar Chabad community and the Chabad representative in the municipality who supports a lot in all community affairs.

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