Bennett allows the hijacking of the appointment of Manny Mazuz

by time news

will profit from the prodigal. Mazuz (Yonathan Zindel/Flash90)

Naftali Bennett was once a right-wing man, then he formed a government with Meretz and Prime Minister, and today he is virtually absent. Tomorrow the government is supposed to approve the appointment of retired judge Meni Mazuz as the chairman of the committee for senior appointments. The term of office is for eight years.

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Meni Mazuz was the attorney general and later a judge of the Supreme Court, in his decisions and rulings he leaned to the left, even to the extreme left, for example in his opposition to the demolition of terrorists’ houses.

The appointment of Mazuz to a senior and decisive position for a period of 8 years, during a transitional government, is itself puzzling, and received the approval of the legal advisor to the government Gali Beharev-Miara, appointed by the current Minister of Justice Gideon Sa’ar.

The one who can prevent this left-wing outpost in one of the most important committees in the government is the alternate prime minister Naftali Bennett, who has the right to veto the agenda of the government. A few weeks ago, he canceled the appointment of Yossi Beilin as a member of the Nature and Parks Authority, and he can also prevent the appointment of Mazuz tomorrow. The chairperson of the Zionist Spirit, Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked, said that ministers of Right and Derech Eretz (she and Handel) would oppose Mazuz’s appointment, but Bennett would not veto the decision.

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