In Iran, the ultraconservatives welcome the aggression against Salman Rushdie

by time news

With the publication of satanic verses, the American-British author of Indian origin had set part of the Muslim world ablaze. Accusing him of blasphemy, the Iranian Ayatollah Rouhollah Khomeini had issued in 1989 a fatwa demanding his assassination. He wrote there:

“I call on brave Muslims to immediately execute, wherever they find them, the author and publisher of the book of ‘Satanic Verses’so that no one else dares to insult the holy things of Muslims.”

“He who is killed in this way is a martyr”, he added.

After several years under very reinforced protection, Salman Rushdie had returned to a freer life and remained in the United States. This Friday, August 12, as he was preparing to participate in a conference, he was stabbed several times. Immediately hospitalized, he was placed on an artificial respirator.

Several hours after this assassination attempt, the Iranian government had still not commented on the case.

As this is a sensitive subject in Iran, the reformist newspapers content themselves with publishing the information without commenting. As for the ultra-conservative newspapers, they openly welcome the aggression against Rushdie.

“Bravo to the courageous and committed man who attacked

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