Bennett-Lapid or Netanyahu? A new survey states: this is the government that the public prefers

by time news

News 12 published a new survey this evening (Friday) in which it was found that the majority of respondents claimed that the Bennet-Lapid government functioned “for the public” better than the Netanyahu government. In addition, a poll of mandates was carried out, which shows that the Likud is weakening while Gantz is getting stronger, and it was also examined what the picture of the blocs would be if a right-wing party opposed to the legal reform had arisen.

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First, as mentioned, the participants in the survey answered which government functioned better “for the public”, and it was claimed that 48% chose the Bennet-Lapid government, while 38% chose the Netanyahu government. In the economic field, 45% voted for the previous government and 39% for the current government. However, in the security field, 42% claimed that the current government is performing better, compared to 39% for the previous government and 19% who do not know.

Another question that the respondents were asked to answer: in the event of a constitutional crisis, to whom should the Chief of Staff, the heads of the Mossad, the Shin Bet and the Commissioner listen to the High Court or the government? Here we found a tie between the answers, with 40% claiming that the heads of the security establishment should obey the High Court and 40% believed that they should follow the government’s instructions. 20% of the respondents answered that they did not know.

In the meantime, according to the mandates survey, if the elections were held today, the Likud would have weakened by three mandates and reach 29, Yesh Atid with 23, the state camp 17 mandates, Smotrich and Ben Gabir would decrease by two mandates to 12.

Also, Shas with 10 mandates, Torah Judaism gets 7. Ra’am and Israel Beitenu with 6 mandates, Meretz and Hadash-Ta’al get 5 mandates but Labor would not pass the percentage of blocking, and also In L.D. Here the picture of the blocs was 58 mandates for the current coalition and 62 for the opposition.

Another option that was examined in this survey if it were to arise is if a right-wing party that opposes the reform is formed, Likud drops to 26 seats, Yesh Atid to 21, the state camp to 14, Otzma Yehudit with 12 and the new party gains 10 seats.

At the bottom of the list, Shas maintains its strength with 10 mandates, Torah Judaism would have won 7, Israel Beitno, Ra’am, Hadash-Ta’al and Meretz would have won 5 mandates. In that case, Labor and BLD would still not pass the percentage of blocking. In that case, the picture of the blocs would be 55 mandates for the current coalition, 55 for the opposition and 10 as mentioned for the new party.

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