Biden leaving for Europe, “the US lead the world from a position of strength”

by time news – “The United States must lead the world from a position of strength.” And the message launched by the US president, , a few days after his departure on Wednesday for his presidency’s first trip abroad, what will bring him in Old Continent ato meet the European and NATO allies before sitting face to face, in Geneva, with the Russian colleague, .

“At this time of global uncertainty, my trip to Europe is about making the America’s renewed commitment to our allies and partedre reaffirming the ability of democracies to meet the challenges and stem the threats of this new era “, writes Biden in a speech signed by him in the Washington Post.

From climate to pandemic

“Whether it’s about ending the Covid-19 pandemic around the world, tackling the accelerating climate crisis or tackling the dangerous activities of governments like China and Russia,” continues Biden, “the United States must lead the way. world from a position of strength “.

“The American Economic Recovery Helps Drive the Global Economy”, stresses the head of the White House, “put an end to this pandemic, improve global access to healthcare and driving a robust and inclusive economic revitalization will be at the top of our priorities. ”

Departing on June 9th, Biden is headed to the UK for the G7 leaders meeting (11-13 June), at the NATO summit (June 14), in Brussels, and al first bilateral with the Russian colleague Vladimir Putin, in Geneva (June 16). In between, a series of bilateral meetings including the one with the British premier Boris Johnson, with the Queen Elizabeth II and col Presidente Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

In his speech in the Washington Post, Biden again sends warning messages to China and Russia, although with the latter he reiterates that he wants to find ground for cooperation to build “predictable relations” and avoid conflicts.

The challenge of Russia

With European partners and NATO, he writes, “we are united in addressing the challenges posed by Russia to the security of Europe, starting with his aggression on Ukraine “and Putin is aware that the United States” will respond without hesitation to any further harmful action “by Moscow.

Biden assures that at the NATO summit will reaffirm the readiness of the United States to support the bloc’s ability to “resist any threat”, including cyber attacks on vital infrastructures, up to the application of Article 5 of the Atlantic Alliance, relating to mutual defense between member countries. At the same time, the head of the White House underlines Washington’s commitment to avoid conflicts with Moscow and to build “stable and predictable relations”, so that both countries can cooperate “on issues such as strategic stability and arms control”.

“That’s why I took immediate action to extend the New Start Treaty by five years and strengthen the security of the American people and the world,” he explains.

The answer in Beijing

The harder the position towards Beijing, to which the alliance of democracies that the US wants to return to lead must be posed as a real alternative. “We will focus on ensuring that free-market democracies, not China or anyone else, write the 21st century rules for trade and technology,” Biden’s admonition, “and continue to pursue the goal of a Europe united, free and at peace “.


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