Bolsonaro must define the holding of a “congress of the right” in Argentina

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Meeting of representatives of the extreme right would be a strategy to face the international left. Argentina will have general elections this year and could be the first country to end the so-called “pink wave” of leftist victories in South America.

Márcio Resende, RFI correspondent in Buenos Airess

Former president Jair Bolsonaro and the pre-candidate for presidential elections in Argentina, Javier Milei, will hold a videoconference this Wednesday morning (15) to outline strategies that will encourage the return of the right or the extreme right to power, after the significant defeats in Peru (2021), Chile (2021), Colombia (2022) and Brazil (2022).

The two exponents of the extreme right in their countries will also discuss the possible holding of a right-wing congress in Argentina, a country that will hold general elections in October in which polls indicate a probable victory for the center-right opposition.

Congress still intends to chart a path of victory for Bolsonaro, especially after Lula said in Washington that Bolsonaro will never return to the Presidency.

Strategy to face the left

“This Wednesday morning, Jair Bolsonaro and I are going to make a call. Basically, we are building a strategy to confront the left at an international level. And one possibility that we are also working on is to hold a kind of congress of the right in Argentina”, revealed the presidential pre-candidate of the extreme right in Argentina, Javier Milei, to the TN news channel.

Ultraliberal economist Javier Milei will be in Buenos Aires, while Bolsonaro will be in Orlando, where he has remained since the end of last year, when he left Brazil to avoid participating in President Lula’s inauguration.

Argentina will have general elections in October, for which all political consultancies predict a victory for the center-right that governed the country between 2015 and 2019, when it was defeated by the Peronist left with candidates for president, Alberto Fernández, and vice-president, Cristina Kirchner. The popularity index of the two today is no more than 25%, making it difficult for a re-election that Alberto Fernández insists on, despite the numbers.

overcome or peronism

Javier Milei is betting on overcoming Peronism and reaching a second round against the center-right, whose candidate should only be known after the August primaries.

The most popular candidates of that center-right, according to polls, are former president Mauricio Macri, current governor of the Federal District, Horacio Larreta, and Macri’s former Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich.

Both Macri and Bullrich enjoy the sympathy of Javier Milei.

“If I’m in the second round in a dispute against Mauricio Macri or Patricia Bullrich, it means that we managed to defeat the left and that Argentina leaned towards the right side, regardless of the result”, indicates Milei.

In tune with the arguments of the so-called Bolsonarism, Javier Milei rules out that there was an attempted coup d’état on January 8 in Brasilia, when thousands of people attacked the Three Powers.

“It is a big lie that there could be a coup d’état. It can’t be that. On one side you have the Armed Forces; on the other, unarmed people. That the unarmed can defeat the armed is strange. They sold another lie”, minimized Milei, who, however, condemns vandalism and violence.

“I condemn all acts of violence. Liberalism is unrestricted respect for the life project of others, based on the principle of non-aggression and in defense of the right to life, freedom and property”, he highlights.

election fraud

Echoing the versions installed by Bolsonarism without any evidence, Javier Milei accused Lula of repressing the protesters instead of clarifying that there was no fraud, in a reversal of the burden of proof.

“Let’s finish with the other lie. There was a very muddy election in the result. People spent 70 days asking them to clarify things, but Lula did not clarify things. She repressed. If he had the truth on his side, she should have shown him the data. Let Lula demonstrate that there was no fraud. Lula never bothered to clarify”, accused Milei.

“If a journalist asked for the situation to be clarified, he was arrested. They removed your website. Publications were not allowed. Do you think it’s right that they arrest opponents and journalists because they ask for the result to be clarified?”, questioned Javier Milei, without clarifying which actual episode he was referring to.

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