Books, Domenico Trischitta presents his ‘The black city’ and ‘A radiant Catania’

by time news

Sunday 21 November at 5 pm Domenico Trischitta will present his new novels, “The black city” and “A radiant Catania” (Algra publisher) at the Rinascita Library in Ascoli Piceno. The theme of Trischitta’s works is the loss of identity and memory caused by the gutting of a large historic district in the late 1950s and the subsequent “deportation” of 30,000 inhabitants to the suburbs. The critic Simone Gambacorta will discuss with the Sicilian author. During the presentation some works by the Abruzzese artist Pierluigi Abbondanza will be exhibited.

“The Spoon River of Trischitta – writes Manlio Sgalambro in the preface of ‘A radiant Catania’ – is the district of San Berillo and its destiny, ‘a criminal street or a broken back to raise children’. But what is the use of retelling what is narrated here? Epic naivety, just as such, escapes literary fiction, questions about the true or the false. It enters your soul and caresses it. This is enough for you ”.

“I read Trischitta – says Tommaso Labranca in the afterword of the same book – and line after line Catania becomes a city-mirror of the volcano that overlooks it and whose colors it imitates: I observe it passing from the black of politics to the red of blood, from the black of a violent city to the bright red of a radiant city. Trischitta’s novel tells of the metamorphosis of a city that goes hand in hand with the inner growth of a boy. The boy may be himself, but it doesn’t matter. Also because Trischitta enters and exits the character, making him alternately become the narrator and the object of the narration, with jumps from the first to the third person that are subjective which then open up into airy panoramas “.

Domenico Trischitta (Catania 1960) is a writer and playwright. He has published novels (A radiant Catania, Martoglio Prize 2009, Glam city, 2014) and collections of short stories (1999, 2013, and The long nights, 2016). The theatrical works Quicksand and Bellini in Puteaux were broadcast by Rai international and Cult.

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