Brawl Stars rewards F2P but is heading towards Pay To Win

by time news

2023-11-12 12:07:00

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In 2024 Brawl Stars will be completely transformed again, incorporating the Brawl Pass paid with real money exclusively, leaving the gems for everything else. An important step that means that F2P players can no longer get any free passes, like the three a year that we got until now.

Since we cannot pay for it with gems, we are also unable to get discounts with the Supercell Store, which offers us free gems when purchasing the packages. Although the team Brawl Stars is aware of its community, ensuring with data that free to play players will earn more rewards from now on.

A path to Pay to Win in Brawl Stars

While it is true that F2P players will earn more, with the detailed official data (and that could change in these couple of months), the gap with those who pay opens even more.

Well, even if they have to pay more, since before it was a payment of €11.99 every two months, and now it will be about €17.98, the rewards of that Brawl Pass will also be higher when going from a x13 value to a x20 or x25 value (the Brawl Pass Plus).

So we will all progress faster than now, but those who pay will do so at a greater speed compared to the current difference. Although all this has a reason, and it is even strange that it did not arrive much sooner.

Supercell’s rare bird

Everything we have experienced so far has been extraordinary, but it was not realistic. Brawl Stars It was the only Supercell game where gems were used to pay for the pass. In Clash Royale o Clash of Clanstheir respective Pass Royale or Gold Pass, have been paid with real money for years.

Is it an annoying change? Definitely. But it was the logical step that the company had to take to equalize the economics of its different games. And at the end of the day, now, without paying a cent and playing the same game, we will win more than before.

The new paid Brawl Pass in Brawl Stars


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