Breaking News: 12 Injured in Traffic Accident near Jessar a Zarqa – Maariv Online

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Breaking News: Traffic Accident Near Jessar a Zarqa Leaves 12 Injured

In a shocking incident, a traffic accident involving a shuttle vehicle and a private vehicle has left 12 people injured on road 6536, near the southern entrance to Jessar a Zarqa. The accident occurred earlier today, causing varying degrees of injuries to the individuals involved.

Medical professionals from Magen David Adom (MDA) quickly arrived at the scene to provide immediate assistance. MDA medics and paramedics worked diligently to treat the injured, who were found to be conscious.

All 12 wounded individuals were subsequently evacuated to nearby hospitals for further medical attention. Among them was a 52-year-old woman, who sustained serious injuries to her bruised limbs. Three others were classified as being in moderate condition, including a 28-year-old man and a 35-year-old man with bruised limbs, as well as a 33-year-old man with a head injury. Additionally, eight individuals were reported to have sustained minor injuries.

The injured were rushed to Carmel and Hillel Yaffe hospitals, where they will undergo necessary medical procedures and receive appropriate care. The medical teams at the hospitals are fully committed to ensuring the speedy recovery of all the victims.

Authorities are conducting a thorough investigation into the circumstances leading to the accident. It is crucial to determine the cause of the incident to prevent similar occurrences in the future and enhance road safety measures.

Please drive with caution and adhere to traffic regulations to prevent accidents and safeguard the lives of yourself and others on the roads.

Date: 07/08/2023
Time: 14:49
Source: Maariv Online

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