Burma: spokesman arrived, elections within two years – First Floor

by time news

(ANSA) – ROME, APRIL 09 – The state of emergency imposed for one year in Burma by the military junta after the coup d’état of last February 1 could be extended for at least “six months” and the promised new elections in the country will be held “within two years”: said the spokesman of the junta, Zaw Min Tun, during an interview with CNN. Zaw Min Tun said a possible extension of the state of emergency would be “six months or more”, over “two terms”, if the junta has not completed its duties. The spokesman did not provide a date for the new elections, but explained that according to the 2008 constitution drafted by the military “we must finish everything within two years. We must hold free and fair elections within these two years”, he added: “We promise that we will do it”. On February 16, in the first press conference after the coup, the same exponent of the army had stated that “our goal is to go to the vote and hand over power to the winning party”, without providing an election date. (HANDLE).

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