“Cancer risk is much lower”

by time news

GGD Hollands Noorden calls on young adults to get vaccinated against HPV. Residents aged 18 to 26 recently received an invitation in their mailbox for the two free injections. The GGD advises all young people to get vaccinated because the human papilloma virus is highly contagious and can cause cancer, especially in women.

About 80 percent of people become infected with HPV at least once in their lifetime. This mainly happens during sex. Most don’t notice the virus and get rid of it after a few years. But it is highly contagious and around 10 to 20 percent do develop cancer. An estimated 1,100 women and 400 men develop cancer from HPV each year. Think of cervical cancer (women) or penile cancer (men), but also cancer of the anus or in the throat and mouth. Sometimes 15 years after infection.

Normally children receive an invitation in the year they turn 10. In recent years, minors have caught up and now it is the turn of young adults. GGD NH advises parents to discuss HPV with their children so that a well-considered choice can be made. The vaccine is not flawless, but it drastically reduces the risk of transmission and cancer.

The HPV vaccine is free this year only. You can make an appointment via hpvafspraak.nl. More information, including videos, via hvpvkeuzehulp.nl.

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