CasaCorriere Osanna Festival: the PNRR will ferry museums towards the future

by time news

twelve o’clock, November 6, 2021 – 10:25 PM

General manager Mic: “The resources are there today.” Trione: “Pay attention to how you spend, you need skills”

from Mirella Armiero

JR’s glimpse of Palazzo Strozzi is the work that best represents our times, second Christian Greco, director of the Egyptian Museum of Turin. The artist’s illusionistic game makes us see “inside” the Palace: we need to go further, to the heart of things. It was discussed on Saturday morning at the opening of the second day of the CasaCorriere Festival, at the Royal Palace of Naples, in the appointment dedicated to the “Great beauty” of our country and the South. Corriere della Sera Candida Morvillo, which talks about the challenges linked to a renewed use of cultural heritage. The host, the manager Mario Epifani, announces that the Royal Palace will change profoundly in the coming months; the goal is to enhance the history of the place, which has been a lived space and as such should be framed, not as a simple location. He is linked to his speech Vincenzo Trione, art critic and columnist of the Corriere della Sera, which underlines the increase in virtual uses developed during the lockdown. «The twentieth century is over, after the pandemic we cannot go back and dive back into the traditional forms of the museum, we need a profound rethinking. The virtual must not be a fashion show of the collections but a different way of enjoying augmented reality, immersion ».

shadow carousel

CasaCorriere Festival, the images of the second day

Greco, for his part, focuses on research, a key point of the museum function. «We must not think that online is the solution to everything. We need to aim for a digital humanism. And especially if we don’t do basic research we have no content to transmit. It can’t be all communication. ” And he says it himself who brought the singer Mahamood to the Egyptian: “Within a coherent project”, however, he points out. As if to say, not just marketing, but substance.

It also speaks of substance Massimo Osanna, general manager of the Mic, in particular of economic substance, in view of the NRP: «Today what should not worry us are the resources. Those are now arriving in abundance, they will have to ferry our museums into the future. Greco is right, but the research also concerns the communication sector, we must learn to tell the story of what we treasure ». “As for the NRP,” he adds, “one of the themes is accessibility: each director must be able to make serious proposals, a commission will evaluate them. Then there are the adjustments to be made on controls and enhance the equipment of the museums: for example, when I arrived in Pompeii there was only one fan. Deposits will be privileged in particular. Where 90% of our assets are stored. Last point: the historic gardens that must be made accessible and cared for. Thanks to a special fund, this year we are hiring professionals in museums that will be extended next year ». Trione, however, notes: «I am not calm about the NRP, who will manage this money? These are huge opportunities but it takes the skills. And ideas. A great digital hub could be born in Naples ».

That the South is, for its «Great Beauty», a reference also abroad also confirms it Maarten van Aalderen, president of the foreign press in Italy: “I launched a project among foreign journalists asking everyone what they liked about Italy and the majority chose things from the South. Personally I love Naples, I know its problems but for me it is a real passion “. Michele Pontecorvo, president of Fai Campania, speaks instead on the relationship between public and private: «Great beauty must be saved and revitalized. Cultural heritage and the environment must be put into a system and put in relation with the territory. I am the vice president of Ferrarelle, a company that has chosen culture as a strategic marketing lever. Very beautiful operations can be carried out by private individuals but the territory does not always include. Indeed, in the last ten years in Naples I have detected a sort of suspicion towards private individuals ».

November 6, 2021 | 22:25

© Time.News

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