Cats broke the Internet for a Canadian from Elon Musk

by time news

A resident of the Canadian village of Kenaston in the province of Saskatchewan spoke about the powerlessness of people and the modern technologies they have created against, as they say, the true rulers of the human race. The yard cats managed to disrupt the work of the “space” Internet transmission system created by the American businessman Elon Musk.

Aaron Taylor told his subscribers on the social network that during the renovation he installed a satellite dish, through which he received Internet from Starlink, from the roof of the house to the courtyard. And he soon noticed that the signal quality began to decline. Wondering over the reasons for the interference, at some point the man noticed that all five of his cats had chosen the plate as a bed.

It turned out that the device is equipped with a heating system that turns on when the ambient temperature drops to a certain level – this is how the device protects itself from ice and, accordingly, ensures operation without interference. But he could not protect himself from the cats, who thought that in the cold, a satellite dish was like nothing else for lying down.

Taylor noted that his pets have their own houses with heating, food and water, but they chose a plate anyway. The man called the vulnerability that was not taken into account by the developers “CAT5 vulnerability” – this is the name of the Internet cable, besides, there were just five cats on the “couch”.


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