Cell phones listen to us even when they are turned off, study reveals how they do it

by times news cr

2024-04-12 12:33:30

And study made by doctor Juan Carlos Yáñez-Lunareveals that los cell phones They listen to us even when they are turned off but, how do they do that?

You’ve probably talked about something more than once and then your cell phone shows you ads or things related to that something and you think that they spy on youso this note interests you.

And the study reveals that cell phones listen to us even when they are turned off, despite what most people thought. That is why we tell you here how they do it and how you can avoid it.

How do cell phones listen to us even when they are turned off?

The international meeting ETHICOMP made by the University of La Rioja, Spain, was carried out March 13 to 15 2024, where they talked about the ethical and social impact of Technology of the information and communication (TIC’s).

It was there that Dr. Juan Carlos Yáñez-Luna, from the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí in Mexico, revealed an impressive discovery about how cell phones listen to us even when they are turned off.

In the study carried out by Dr. Yáñez-Luna, it was discovered that It is through the battery of the phones that they do it.

This because The cell phone battery, even when turned off, allows you to hear or view all the information on the device.

The key is in the phone battery, since it allows you to hear or view all the information contained on the cell phone even if it is turned off. Perhaps it is difficult to know who can view or listen to the content of all the information that a mobile phone contains when it is turned off, but it can be done because everything is stored in one place.

Doctor Juan Carlos Yáñez-Luna

Man checking his cell phone (Pixabay)

How to prevent cell phones from listening to us even when they are turned off?

Dr. Juan Carlos Yáñez-Luna, who carried out the study, indicated that One of the ways to avoid being spied on is for users to know what they can offer and what they can keep quiet about their personal information on cell phones.

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For example, platforms like Facebook o Google Maps make use of our personal information on our cell phones, just like our location at a specific time or place, data that is offered to third parties for other uses.

This is in addition to the cookies that we accept when we browse the Internet, which allow our online activity to be tracked and, in this way, our search experience to be personalized.

Although they are not dangerous, Cookies can be deleted to control the sites that can “listen” to us on the Internetalthough this will make our experience more generic.

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Facebook and Google Maps use our personal data (Antonio Groß / Unsplash)

2024-04-12 12:33:30

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