Cheap and available in every kitchen.. Red juice fights cancer, promotes heart health, regulates sugar levels and strengthens bones

by time news

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Fresh tomato juice is one of the best natural juices that a nutritionist may recommend. Its rich content of nutrients and low calories make it one of the best natural juices and drinks that bring health benefits to the body.

And about the benefits of tomato juice:

1- Contribute to reducing the risk of cancer: Tomato juice contains very high levels of antioxidants, which has made it a major role in fighting cancerous tumors, especially prostate cancer, lung cancer, and colorectal cancer, according to the Web Medicine website.

٢-Promote cardiovascular health: One of the most prominent benefits of tomato juice is that it contributes to reducing the risk of heart disease, strokes and strokes, due to the fact that tomatoes contain the following:

3- Dietary fiber: Which works to reduce cholesterol levels in the body, including: Potassium: It is a very important element in moderating blood pressure in the body, leading to the protection of the heart and blood vessels from health problems, andCalcium: Calcium reduces the risk of developing blood clots as it plays an effective role in controlling blood pressure levels.

٤-Support the functioning of the digestive system: Tomato juice plays an effective role in promoting the health of the digestive system, as it works on the following: resisting digestive infections, preventing indigestion and treating constipation, helping to prevent kidney and gallstones, and promoting colon health.

٥-Contribute to weight loss: One of the benefits of tomato juice is that it works to lose weight, due to the following: its low calories, and its richness in dietary fiber, which increases the feeling of satiety, and thus eats less food.

٦-Regulating blood sugar levels: The fiber in tomatoes slows down the absorption of sugars from the digestive system, which helps regulate blood sugar levels.

٧-Bone strengthening and protection: One of the benefits of tomato juice is that it has an effective role in protecting, strengthening and preventing bones from fragility, due to the juice’s high content of calcium and vitamin K, and vitamin K activates osteocalcin, which is responsible for the consolidation of calcium in the bone.

٨-Protecting the eyes from diseases: contains Tomato juice contains good levels of vitamin A, which works to enhance vision, protect the eyes, and prevent night blindness.

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