Check out how to exercise to recover “Long COVID” in 5 weeks.

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Chulalongkorn Hospital Suggest ways to exercise to recover from “Long COVID” in 5 weeks, starting with walking. Practicing breathing in and out, doing yoga, doing housework and increasing the level by cycling and jogging until you can exercise normally while the Ministry of Health reveals guidelines for setting up a clinic to treat Long COVID

On May 4, 2022, Chulalongkorn Hospital, the Thai Red Cross Society recommends how to recover from Long COVID symptoms with exercises that are appropriate for each stage of the body as follows:

  • Week 1 Prepare your body. should use walking Practice breathing in and out slowly until the level is not tired. or a little tired
  • Week 2 Light exercise, such as light yoga, light housework, and increase the duration to 10-15 minutes per day and to a mild level of fatigue.
  • Week 3 Moderate exercise Focus on continuous physical movement such as cycling, swimming, jogging.
  • Week 4: Increase the complexity of movement, such as running to change direction. running sideways and can switch days to exercise so as not to weaken the body
  • Week 5 In this phase, you can return to normal exercise. and can increase the intensity of exercise as much as possible

However, if you feel weak Or tired the next day, recommend rest and reduce the intensity of the exercise.

Open guidelines for establishing a “Long COVID Treatment Clinic”

In addition, the Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Public Health Publish guidelines for establishment “Long COVID Patient Clinic” by dividing management guidelines into 6 areas, namely, service provision, service personnel, operational information system, access to systems, products and services, financial system. and pastoral leadership

for the establishment guidelines “Long COVID Patient Clinic” is to provide advice on setting up clinics to treat Long COVID patients in hospitals at all levels. by providing outpatient services through appointments to receive services or provide services through the telemedicine system (Telemedicine) both Long COVID Clinic and Virtual Clinic

As for the model, the clinic will provide outpatient services. by the place and the date and time Use the establishment in hospitals at all levels. especially primary care units to provide patients with quick and easy access to services which will turn on-off according to office hours Or it may operate on a specific day with an emphasis on an advance appointment system.

Read related news. Preliminary check 200 symptoms “try covid”

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