Chile rejects second project that attempted to create a new Constitution

by time news

2023-12-18 01:34:38

That Sunday, Chile held a plebiscite on a new Constitution proposal that was drafted by the ultra-conservatives of the Republican Party, to replace that of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.

More than 15 million Chileans were authorized to vote “for” or “against” the second constitutional initiative they voted in less than two years after the social outbreak of 2019.

After more than 50% of the votes were counted, and with a marked trend, the country rejected the new Constitution proposal with a partial vote of 55.4% against and 44.5% in favor.

The electoral authority is expected to release consolidated results around 11:00 p.m. GMT.

What was the proposal?

The text, which was prepared by a council dominated by the Republican Party, is even more conservative than the one inherited from the dictatorship.

Among other articles, the new regulatory framework sought to limit the role of the State in the market economy and could give rise to reviewing the right to abortion in its three causes (rape, non-viability of the fetus and risk to the mother).

In addition, it would toughen the treatment of migrants with the expulsion “in the shortest possible time” of those who are in an irregular situation.

This was the day

The government of leftist Gabriel Boric maintained a neutral position regarding this process, the second in the last two years to reform the Magna Carta of the dictatorship (1973-1990).

“Today we are carrying out a new civic day that, beyond any result, strengthens our democracy,” said the president after voting in his native city, Punta Arenas (3,000 km south of Santiago).

The day passed without major incidents on a hot day the weekend before Christmas, where the large business had to close its doors.

“Preliminary data show good participation” of citizens, said the Minister of the Interior, Carolina Tohá, minutes before the closing of the tables.

#Chile #rejects #project #attempted #create #Constitution

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