Switzerland is seeking rapprochement with the EU

by time news

2023-12-17 20:28:37

The use of foreign workers is a point of contention: renovation work after a rockslide between Frutigen and Adelboden Image: Picture Alliance

A good two years ago, Switzerland unilaterally stopped negotiations on a framework agreement with the EU. Now the government in Bern wants to renegotiate with Brussels. But the unions are standing in the way.

Switzerland is making a new attempt to mend its broken relationship with the European Union and put it on a solid basis. The Federal Council, as the multi-party government in Bern is called, approved a draft for a negotiating mandate with Brussels on Friday. The aim is to secure the existing bilateral agreements that grant Switzerland, a strong exporter, unrestricted access to the European internal market, and to conclude new contracts in the areas of electricity, health and food safety.

Parliament’s foreign policy commissions, the cantons and the social partners now have around two months to comment on the draft. The Federal Council will then decide whether to enter into negotiations with Brussels. There is a lot to suggest that this will happen.

#Switzerland #seeking #rapprochement

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