China and GAZPROM are doing golden business. But Beijing is also developing an internal energy security strategy (C. Meier)

by time news

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China ⁢and Gazprom: Golden Business, but with a Shift in ​Strategy

China and Gazprom are enjoying strong business relations, but Beijing is also developing its own energy security ⁢strategy.

Recent Development:

  • China announced the⁢ discovery of a large gas field in the South China Sea, adding 1 trillion ⁣cubic meters to its proven reserves.
  • This discovery raises questions ‌about the impact on Russian gas exports and⁣ Gazprom’s development ⁣projects.

China’s Energy Strategy:

  • China aims to reduce its dependence on ‌imports ⁢by increasing‌ domestic gas production.
  • While offshore gas production has increased significantly in the ⁢past five years, it still accounts ⁣for only 7.5% of China’s total volumes.

Impact on ​Gazprom:

  • Gazprom is expected to continue supplying 38 billion cubic meters of gas per year through the Power of Siberia pipeline in 2024.
  • Future projects​ could further ⁣increase gas supply⁣ to China.
  • Gazprom officials express confidence in ‌the stability of gas imports despite China’s growing energy ⁣independence.


China’s pursuit of energy security through increased ⁢gas ‍production may ​impact Gazprom’s export business, but the company remains optimistic about its partnership with China.

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