‘Chinnamma Returns !!’ Sasikala re-entry in Boise Garden House? Jerk OBS, EPS

by time news

Chennai, First Published Dec 14, 2021, 8:43 PM IST

Chennai: The news that Sasikala is in the process of re-entering the Boise Garden house where Jayalalithaa lived has shocked the OBS and EPS circles.

Sasikala plan poes garden house

Jayalalithaa is still revered as the personal leader and leader of the AIADMK. The Boise Garden House where he lived was the Temple of Blood. It is a well-known fact that Jayalalithaa is still revered by the AIADMK as a deity and the Boise Garden house where she lived is revered as a temple.

The Boise Garden Veda House was declared a memorial after Jayalalithaa’s death. For that, the Emergency Land Acquisition Act was enacted by the then AIADMK government and the Vedha House was nationalized.

Sasikala plan poes garden house

But both Deepa and Deepak filed a case in the Chennai I Court against the state ownership of the Vedha house without considering our opposition to the legal heir. The court ordered to hand over the Vedha house to Deepa and Deepak to win it.

Sasikala plan poes garden house

The shocking news is that despite the victory in the verdict, there is still trouble in enjoying the Vedha home. A case is pending in the Chennai High Court regarding the non-filing of income tax returns almost 13 years ago when Jayalalithaa was alive, i.e. 2008-2009. In that case Deepa has ordered to link both Deepak.

If the verdict is released, J.P. How much tax will the party have to pay? What if the amount is too large and you can’t pay it? Such questions come and go. Can it be built if the amount is large? Those who know the details say that if both Deepa and Deepak have chances for that, then there is no chance.

Sasikala plan poes garden house

Sources say that this is where Sasikala’s master plan runs on a separate track. According to Grin Signal Sasikala, Deepa and Deepak are ready to pay the money if they are forced to pay.

The Sasikala gentleman has approached the Gentleman Agreement asking him to agree to live in a part of the Vedha house in return. Deepa and Deepak may have stayed there while she was staying and have been informed that there is no objection.

But the answer has been given to those who hook Deepa and Sasikala that they will never be the same. Those who are well aware of what is happening are biting the ear that Deepak is still in the Sasikala support position and through him everything is possible.

Sasikala plan poes garden house

The agenda to get Deepa to agree has also been given to Deepak from the Sasikala side. If the court is unable to pay the amount, it has been advised to take Deepa to the focal point of the issue back to the Vedha home. Deepa, who still has value over the Vedha home, agrees, and observers say that Sasikala will also make an entry in Boise Garden.

Sasikala plan poes garden house

These triangular activities that browse Sasikala, Veda Illam, Deepa are pointed out from the key point for the OBS and EPS side as well. Information has been leaked that he knew everything and decided to discuss the next steps.

Last Updated Dec 14, 2021, 10:18 PM IST


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