Chips are delicious and low in calories.. what you don’t know about popcorn

by time news

Popcorn is the ideal meal when watching a movie or looking for a light, tasty and low-calorie meal, compared to its counterparts from chips.

It is a healthy snack and a snack, as it is rich in various nutrients, but unfortunately sometimes it is prepared with a lot of fat, sugar and salt, which can cause harm to health.

Also, there are some health benefits of eating popcorn, in addition to its high fiber content, as it also contains phenolic acids, which are a type of antioxidant.

Plus, popcorn is made from whole grains, an important food group that may reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure in humans, according to WebMd.

It is considered one of the foods that fall under whole grains, and therefore it has many important nutritional values, as 100 grams of it contains 387 calories, in addition to many vitamins.

1- Rich in beneficial antioxidants

It is also rich in polyphenol antioxidants, which protect the cells of the body from the accumulation of harmful free radicals, which increases the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes.

And a scientific study conducted by the University of Scranton found that popcorn contains high amounts of polyphenol antioxidants, which are linked to many health benefits, the most important of which is improving blood flow in the body, promoting digestive health and reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as breast cancer.

Popcorn (iStock)

2- Rich in dietary fiber

In parallel, every 100 grams of popcorn contains 15 grams of dietary fiber, which is very useful and necessary for the body, as it reduces the risk of many diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes and contributes to losing excess weight and improving the work of the digestive system.

Popcorn (iStock)

Popcorn (iStock)

3- It helps in losing excess weight

Since popcorn is very high in dietary fibre, this means that it helps you feel fuller for longer, thus reducing your calorie intake later in the day.

In turn, one of the scientific studies conducted an experiment, which consisted of eating popcorn or chips, and noticed that 15 calories of popcorn was more satiating than eating 150 calories of chips.

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