Christian values ​​will be defended by a group of 30 State Duma deputies

by time news

The State Duma will recreate a working group for the protection of Christian values. Letters have already been sent to its future participants with an invitation to enter it. We are talking about more than 30 MPs from different factions.

This was reported to Gazeta.Ru by the deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Sergei Gavrilov. The group will be based on parliamentarians from United Russia and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, he said.

“His Holiness blessed. I know that Petr Olegovich Tolstoy is actively involved in this. We think that the vice speaker will collect data and coordinate the work. Hopefully there will be more than 30 people in the group as before. We sent letters to the factions, they will send everyone who wants to, ”Gavrilov said.

According to him, the group was tasked with protecting spiritual and moral values ​​and the foundations of patriotism. The deputies will work out issues of support for large families, fellow believers in the Middle East and Ukraine, material support for Orthodox volunteers and property issues.

According to Interfax, the creation and work of the group was blessed by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. The team will most likely be headed by the vice-speaker of the chamber, Pyotr Tolstoy. Already on January 10, 2022, he will know for sure which of the deputies has expressed a desire to work in the group.

A few days ago, the Public Chamber held hearings on the state cultural policy. The resulting document was not adopted because the Union of Theater Workers spoke out against it. They asked for a clear definition of what could be considered traditional. Otherwise, local officials will have the opportunity to act arbitrarily.


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