Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). It was discussed at Humanitas on 01/27 –

by time news

2024-01-26 16:03:48

by Health Editorial Staff

At the Humanitas Congress Center in Rozzano (MI) the (free) initiative to disseminate knowledge on chronic inflammatory bowel diseases and orient patients towards specialized healthcare facilities

Over 250 thousand people in Italy suffer from Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD), Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease which, due to their often disabling effects on everyday life, are defined as invisible disabilities. Symptoms range from abdominal pain, tiredness, joint pain, frequent discharge and weight loss, to real physical limitations and mental pressures that often generate anxiety and depression. The chronic nature of these conditions can also make it difficult to plan one’s life in the long term and affect delicate aspects of one’s life such as, for example, planning a pregnancy.

IBD, starting from “what they are”, “how they can be treated”, “which are the most specialized centers” in these pathologies, will be discussed on Saturday 27 January, from 8.45am to 1.30pm, at the Humanitas Congress Center in Rozzano (MI ). The objective is to discuss and know what to do regarding vaccinations, travel, smoking, nutrition, diagnostic tests, fertility, pregnancy, new therapies, the role of research, surgery and much more. We are proud to promote this moment of exchange and support, aware of the impact that these diseases have on daily life – declares Salvo Leone, General Director of AMICI Italia, the National Association for Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases -. In addition to providing scientifically valid and up-to-date information, we believe it is essential to guide patients in choosing the most appropriate treatment centers. It is a priority for us not only to spread knowledge about chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, but also to direct patients towards specialized healthcare facilities, where they can receive cutting-edge treatments and personalized support. From this perspective, the initiative of 27 January represents a unique opportunity to get in touch with professionals and centers of excellence in the field of IBD. The event is open to all those who wish to participate, without the need for registration, reflecting our commitment to inclusion, raising awareness of these important issues and actively guiding patients towards the best treatment options available.

Humanitas’ commitment

The topics that will be covered in the meeting all have a strong impact on the quality of life of people with chronic intestinal inflammatory diseases – declares the prof. Alessandro Armuzzi, co-director of the IBD Center and head of the IBD Operational Unit of Humanitas, one of the Italian centers most specialized in these pathologies. Thanks to advances in medicine, today we can guarantee patients a good quality of life with innovative therapies and multidisciplinary paths that address all the clinical and psychological aspects linked to Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis.

It is essential to meet to talk about the therapeutic options available today for those suffering from these pathologies. Surgery is no longer considered the last option when the patient no longer responds to medical therapies – adds the professor. Antonino Spinelli, co-director of the IBD Center and head of the Colon and Rectal Surgery Unit of Humanitas —. Today, thanks also to the multidisciplinary approach to chronic intestinal inflammatory diseases, surgery, which is increasingly less invasive, is a weapon that can be used at any moment of the therapeutic process, depending on the needs of each person.


The meeting Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Doctors meet patients open to all, free and without booking. Anyone interested can go to the Humanitas Congress Center in Rozzano on Saturday 27 January from 8.45am to 1.30pm. During the meeting it will also be possible to observe, through giant screens, some shots of the traveling exhibition Invisible Body Disabilities, linked to a project born in 2016, a permanent awareness campaign designed with the aim of making better known what are in fact defined as invisible disabilities; a work promoted and registered by AMICI Italia and conceived by the Paduan photographer Chiara De Marchi, suffering from Ulcerative Colitis which involved women of childbearing age affected by Chronic Inflammatory Intestinal Diseases through photographs, testimonies and stories.

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January 26, 2024 (modified January 26, 2024 | 5:03 pm)

#Chronic #inflammatory #bowel #diseases #IBD #discussed #Humanitas

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