Cinema: Ana Sofia Fonseca retraces the life of Cesária Évora in “The Barefoot Diva”

by time news

2023-11-30 01:05:02

She was nicknamed “The Barefoot Diva” because she sang like that on stage. The famous Cape Verdean singer Cesária Évora, who died in 2011, lives again on the big screen. A sensitive documentary, released in theaters in France this week after touring film festivals around the world, retraces his journey through testimonies from those close to him and previously unseen images. Portuguese director Ana Sofia Fonseca talks about it on Sophie Torlotin’s microphone.

The poster for the film “Cesária Évora, the Barefoot Diva” by Ana Sofia Fonseca. © Epicenter Films

Read alsoRFI Music Cesária Évora, the film of a volcanic life

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