Climate activists glued themselves to the dinosaur exhibition in Berlin

by time news

They glued themselves to the railings around a large display of a dinosaur skeleton from millions of years ago and held a banner that read: “What if the government doesn’t control this?”. “Unlike the dinosaurs, we hold our destiny in our own hands,” said one of the protesters. “Do we want to become extinct like the dinosaurs, or do we want to survive?”, she added.

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The second activist said she fears for the future of her four children. “This peaceful resistance is the means we have chosen to protect our children from the deadly ignorance of the government,” she said. The protest lasted for 20 minutes before authorities arrived, and it took another 40 minutes for the couple to be released. The Natural History Museum stated that it filed a criminal complaint for trespassing and damage to property. Behind the protest was the “Latest Generation” group, which demanded that Germany reduce gas emissions immediately, in order to reduce climate change, and also wants Berlin to limit the speed on the roads.

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