Climate Guatemala | When does a new cold front enter the country?

by time news

2023-12-22 20:45:00

Forecast. Don’t forget to take out your coat, scarf, hat and gloves because the low temperatures will continue next week, according to the forecast from the National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology (Insivumeh).

According to the Insivumeh bulletin, experts continue to monitor the approach of a cold front next week that could cause cloudiness and drizzle in some regions of the country. The cold front could be weak in characteristics; However, if its trajectory continues, cloudiness and the possibility of rain are expected to increase in northern and Caribbean regions starting on Tuesday, December 26.

Why it matters. The measures to be taken are disseminated through the Acute Respiratory Infections Program, of the Directorate of Regulations for Human Care Programs, who list the most common diseases, their transmission and duration.

The most common diseases are: the common cold, flu or influenza, tonsillitis, laryngitis, acute otitis media, pneumonia and covid-19. “The severity of respiratory infections is variable. It can start with mild discomfort until it becomes life-threatening,” says Salud. Also, remember that it is the droplets of saliva or mucus expelled by the sick person when coughing, sneezing or speaking that allow the transmission of the virus. Also by touching a surface contaminated with the secretions of the sick person and then making contact with the eyes, mouth or nose without first washing your hands.

on the radar. To avoid such conditions, experts urge you to follow the following recommendations.

Breathe through your nose (not your mouth) to get warm air into your lungs. In the evening, use curtains or cardboard on the windows to prevent heat from escaping. Cover holes and cracks in walls where the cold can enter. Protect yourself from the dawn night sky. During the day, ventilate the house, open windows and curtains to let the sun in. Wear appropriate clothing such as a sweater, jacket, dog coat or overcoat, including use of gloves, hat and scarf to protect head, face and mouth. Keep children and elderly people warm without overheating. Protect the skin with moisturizing cream. Keep lips lubricated and moisturized. Do not expose yourself to sudden changes in temperature, especially from hot to cold environments.

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