Collective bargaining: Agreement reached in the collective bargaining dispute in the state public sector

by time news

2023-12-09 14:50:36

Trade unions and employers have achieved a breakthrough in the collective bargaining dispute in the federal states’ public services. As the collective bargaining parties announced, the employers’ collective bargaining association of German states, the service union Ver.di and the civil servants’ association (DBB) have agreed on a deal.

The more than one million employees are to receive tax- and duty-free special payments totaling 3,000 euros, a base amount of 200 euros and then 5.5 percent more money. This corresponds to the conclusion for the federal and local public services from April.

Head of the Civil Service Association sees “great success”

Ver.di and the Civil Service Association had demanded 10.5 percent, but at least 500 euros more money per month, as well as a tax- and duty-free inflation compensation allowance. The previously valid collective agreement expired at the end of September. The agreement applies to the federal states, with the exception of Hesse, which negotiates its own collective agreement.

If the qualification is transferred to civil servants as usual, more than three million employees will be affected. DBB boss Ulrich Silberbach sees the deal as a “great success”. “We have caught up with the federal and local governments,” he said. Silberbach is convinced that the “massive warning strikes and demonstrations in recent weeks have made a decisive contribution to this breakthrough.”

Since Thursday, unions and employers have been negotiating in the third round of talks about the income of employees from university hospitals, universities and the judiciary.

Trade unions and employers have achieved a breakthrough in the collective bargaining dispute in the federal states’ public services. As the collective bargaining parties announced, the employers’ collective bargaining association of German states, the service union Ver.di and the civil servants’ association (DBB) have agreed on a deal.

The more than one million employees are to receive tax- and duty-free special payments totaling 3,000 euros, a base amount of 200 euros and then 5.5 percent more money. This corresponds to the conclusion for the federal and local public services from April.

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