Compatibility with two Russian operating systems will become mandatory for domestic software

by time news

2023-06-12 22:42:13

Developers will have to ensure the compatibility of their software with at least two domestic operating systems (OS) in order for the product to qualify for inclusion in the Russian software registry. The corresponding draft government decree was prepared by the Ministry of Digital Development, its representative told Vedomosti. The requirements will apply both to new software and to those already included in the register, the ministry said. Now the draft document is being worked out with industry associations, and then it will be sent for approval to the interested departments, the representative of the Ministry of Digital Development added. According to him, the requirements will be introduced in stages for different classes of software: “For the software already included in the register, a transitional period will be provided for its revision to meet the new requirements.”

Now most of the programs in the registry are not compatible with two domestic operating systems at once, Alexey Smirnov, chairman of the board of directors of Basalt SPO, and Rustam Rustamov, deputy general director of Red Soft, agree in their assessment. There may be more than 50% of such software: until now, there was no such parameter as “compatibility with domestic operating systems or processors” in the register of the Ministry of Digital Development, and the developers did not need to declare such compatibility, says Sergey Vasiliev, deputy general director of NPPKT.

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