Continuation of Lékoko/Ngobi and Bivoumi political talks in (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2023-08-25 17:00:11

Continuation of Lékoko/Ngobi and Bivoumi political talks in the crosshairs

August 25, 2023

These two neighborhoods of the municipality of Bakoumba, which are full of a large number of voters, were visited on the night of Thursday, August 24, 2023 by the candidate head of the PDG list, Juste Rock Atana N’daly at the request of young people from the said neighborhoods. It is also an opportunity for the latter to present to their eldest all the difficulties they encounter on a daily basis.

Whether in Ngobi or Bivoumi, young people are looking for jobs. Many of them, failing to be recruited in companies in Moanda where economic activity is more important, turn desperately to other activities such as hunting and fishing to feed their modest families. Women, for their part, especially the youngest, also aspire to continue their training in specialized training centers likely to guarantee them stable and lasting employment.

The outgoing departmental secretary, Aubin Lobo, who took the floor, reassured everyone about the government’s willingness to do everything possible to implement the social policy of President Ali Bongo Ondimba. Especially with regard to income-generating activities that empower each young person.

He also took advantage of this forum to explain the voting process to the assistant before inviting them to translate at the ballot box this Saturday their commitment to Ali Bongo Ondimba and all the candidates of the Gabonese Democratic Party engaged this year in different polls.

Just Rock Atana N’daly who spoke last urged his brothers and sisters to trust the outgoing President of the Republic who is once again seeking their votes for a new term, the legislative candidate Lionel Stéphane Bayogha, the team of which he is the head of the list and that led by the venerable senator Pierre Alban Obandji in the department. The standing ovation that followed his speech clearly indicated the people’s support for the words of their elder, whom they all wanted to meet before going to the polls.

After Ngobi and Bivoumi, the delegation led by Juste Rock Atana N’daly went to Bakoumba-Village where other young people were waiting around a campfire organized on the initiative of the running mate Dive Jandrel Boulendé.


#Continuation #LékokoNgobi #Bivoumi #political #talks #Gabonews

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