Contrary to the prevailing… “Experts” reveal side effects of honey • Al Marsad Newspaper

by time news

Al-Marsad newspaper: Nutritionists and other experts have revealed the disadvantages of including honey in a healthy diet, according to what was published by the Eat This Not That website.

Can honey harm the teeth?

Similar to other types of sugars, honey can increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

mental liver disease

Fructose is the main sugar found in honey. With that in mind, it can be dangerous for those with fatty liver disease.

Honey will not reduce allergy symptoms

It was previously promoted that honey is a treatment for allergy symptoms, but according to experts, this is no more than a myth.

They said that eating local honey does not help with allergies because the pollen collected by bees is usually from flowers, which are not as strong and do not stimulate our immune system as other pollens (such as trees, grasses and weeds).

Dr. Wright reported that in some cases, eating raw, local honey may contribute to allergy symptoms because if you are hypersensitive, eating pollen in small amounts can cause local symptoms such as itchy mouth.

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