Controlled Explosion in Golan Heights Safely Removes Dangerous Basalt Blocks

by time news

Title: Controlled Explosion Safely Removes Dangerous Basalt Blocks in the Golan Heights

On [Date], the Israel Routes and “Tamar” company successfully conducted a carefully planned and controlled explosion, marking one of the largest ever carried out in the country, at the Susita antiquities site in the Golan Heights. The operation aimed to remove large basalt blocks that posed an immediate danger of landslides to travelers on the winding road leading up to the hill.

After weeks of meticulous planning, including field measurements, risk assessments, and simulations, experts from the “Tamar” company devised a strategy to safely detonate the explosives and effectively degrade the rocks on the steep slope. The crucial objective was to avoid any harm to individuals or property in the vicinity.

The Susita site, which is a unique archaeological marvel, is encompassed by a nature reserve housing a diverse range of animal species. To mitigate the potential risk to these animals, the decision was made to detonate all the explosives simultaneously, requiring a significant challenge for the experts.

In the early hours of the morning, the road leading to the site was closed to ensure the safety of the operation. Upon careful inspection and approval, a Star of David-shaped configuration of fuses was placed along the designated area. These fuses would initiate the controlled explosion, resulting in avalanches of huge basalt blocks, some weighing hundreds of tons.

The coordinated detonation successfully degraded the basalt blocks without causing harm to the ecologically sensitive region. With the blast completed, the focus now shifts to clearing the debris from the road before reopening it to traffic, guaranteeing a completely safe passage for travelers.

The “Tamar” company, known for its expertise in explosives, tunneling, and quarrying, has proven its commitment to not only ensuring public safety but also preserving the rich cultural and natural heritage of the Golan Heights region.

The controlled explosion at the Susita antiquities site serves as a testament to the meticulous planning and technical expertise required to address immediate geological threats while safeguarding irreplaceable archaeological treasures and the environment.

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