Copersucar launches free professional training course, in partnership with Espro,…

by time news

2023-09-08 14:17:55

In the EAD modality, the program will benefit high school students from the São Paulo municipalities of São José do Rio Preto, Ribeirão Preto and Santos

As of September 25th, Conecta Copersucar, the social program of the world’s leading company in the sale of sugar and ethanol, will start the second group of the free professional training course for the logistics area, aimed at students completing high school. The initiative is the result of a partnership with Espro (Professional Social Education), a philanthropic entity that for over 40 years has contributed to the inclusion of young people and adolescents in the world of work.

The teaching journey is aimed at young people between the ages of 18 and 22, living in the metropolitan regions of the São Paulo municipalities of São José do Rio Preto, Ribeirão Preto and Santos, locations where Copersucar concentrates its logistics activities. Those interested in participating must register on the Espro website, in this linkusing the campaign code: COPER23.

According to Beatriz Milliet, Executive Sustainability Manager at Copersucar, the Conecta Copersucar Program aims to open doors in the job market by expanding technical knowledge about the logistics sector, in which the company is a specialist, to young people in vulnerable situations who reside in areas surrounding the company’s operations. “We want to share our knowledge with these students, so that they can expand their opportunities and pursue a career in an area that is of great relevance for the country and is constantly growing. The training of future professionals is one of our choices to contribute to a better society in the cities where we are present, generating knowledge, social transformation and income”.

The course, 100% remote, will have extensive didactic depth. There will be 152 hours of content focused on technical and behavioral training, with 4-hour meetings, from Monday to Friday. Young people will receive a school kit with a backpack and uniform. Also during the course period, they will have access to a tablet with an internet chip and a mobile data plan to participate in classes and train themselves.

Activities use active methodologies such as peer learning, project-based learning and gamification to enhance youth autonomy. In this way, they will be able to understand and act on cognitive, socioeconomic, affective, political and cultural aspects. Through practical training, students will be able to experience real situations in the current job market. Young people will be able to participate in the selection process for open positions at Copersucar at the end of the program, but the main intention of the organizations is to expand the available opportunities through the development of qualified labor, supporting the transformation of young people’s lives.

New talents with a “hands-on” profile

The learning journey will also include content related to digital literacy, financial education, logistics, work safety, notions of basic mechanics and electrical. The course design was built based on the integration of socio-emotional skills, technical knowledge and practical application of what was learned.

“The partnership with Copersucar allowed us to open a new training segment for our young people. The logistics segment in the ethanol and sugar market is complex and will allow young people, after training, to work in global companies. Thus, we continue with our mission to train young people as protagonist citizens of their future”, says Alessandro Saade, superintendent of Espro.

For more than seven years contributing to social transformation in the communities where the company operates, the Conecta Copersucar Program has already welcomed more than 35,000 people, including young people in training, entrepreneurs, community members and vulnerable citizens. The initiative also promoted several cultural actions that impacted students, families and members of the community.

Course: Conecta Copersucar Program
Registrations: site do Espro
Campaign Code: COPER23
Audience: For high school graduates, aged between 18 and 22, residing in the municipalities of São José do Rio Preto (SP), Ribeirão Preto (SP) and Santos (SP).

#Copersucar #launches #free #professional #training #partnership #Espro..

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