Counselor at Pennridge South Middle School in Bucks County, Pennsylvania arrested for having sex with a 14-year-old student

by time news

2023-11-15 23:25:46
Counselor at Pennsylvania Middle School Arrested for Inappropriate Relationship with Student

A shocking scandal has rocked Pennridge South Middle School in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, as 35-year-old counselor Kelly Ann Scutt has been arrested for having a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old student.

The disturbing details of the inappropriate relationship came to light after a member of Kelly’s family witnessed the student and Kelly engaging in intimate behavior at her home. The family member immediately intervened and instructed the student to leave, prompting the student to call his parents and report the illicit relationship.

An investigation revealed that the relationship began when the student sat next to Kelly on the school bus and she encouraged him to visit her office more often. The two then began communicating through social media and eventually engaged in sexual activity at Kelly’s home and in her car.

During the investigation, authorities found evidence of the relationship including text messages and photos taken together. Kelly admitted to the inappropriate relationship during an interview with investigators and was subsequently arrested and brought to court.

While Kelly was released on a bail of Rs 20.80 lakh, she is prohibited from having any contact with the student or his family. The community is shocked and disturbed by the revelation of this scandal and the school district has assured parents that they are cooperating fully with authorities in the ongoing investigation.

School counselors are entrusted with the well-being of students and the alleged actions of Kelly Scutt are a serious breach of that trust. The school district and law enforcement are working to determine the full extent of the inappropriate relationship and ensure the safety and well-being of the student involved.

As the investigation continues, the community is left reeling from the news of this shocking betrayal of trust.
#Repeated #sexual #intercourse #14yearold #student #counselling #School #guide #arrested

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